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5 Common Causes of Car Crashes in Albuquerque


5 Common Causes of Car Crashes in Albuquerque

Posted On July 5, 2023 In Car Accidents

Car accidents are unfortunately a common incident on the roads of Albuquerque, New Mexico—even in our advanced technological climate. From side swipes to head-on crashes, it’s important to understand why these accidents happen and how to avoid them.

In this article, we’ll explore the statistics surrounding car accidents in New Mexico, the common types of injuries resulting from these accidents, and the five most common auto crash causes in Albuquerque.…

Drunk Driving Accidents in Albuquerque: What You Should Know

Posted On June 1, 2023 In Car Accidents,Personal injury

Drunk driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents in the United States. Thousands of people lose their lives to those who get behind the wheel while impaired. Even though there are strict traffic laws and penalties set in place, many people drive drunk regardless of the consequences.…

How to Recover Car Accident Compensation in New Mexico

Posted On May 8, 2023 In Car Accidents,Personal injury

Getting in a car accident is stressful, especially if it causes personal injuries or property damage. Shapiro Law Team is here to help carry the burden of determining fault in your car accident and pursuing financial compensation.

Before contacting Albuquerque’s leading car accident attorney for assistance, take some time to learn about car accidents and their complexities to set proper expectations for the steps ahead.…

Who Can Be at Fault in a Multi-Car Accident?

Posted On April 10, 2023 In Car Accidents,Personal injury

Navigating the legal aftermath of car accidents can be overwhelming, especially when multiple parties are involved. When you trust Shapiro Law Team with your case, you can rest easy knowing you’ll receive Superior Representation every step of the way. Keep reading to learn more about what multi-car accidents are and how to determine fault.…

After the Crash: Tips for Handling a Car Accident in Albuquerque

Posted On March 13, 2023 In Car Accidents,Personal injury

No matter how experienced of a driver you are, getting in a car accident can leave you frazzled. Since you might not be in the best mental or emotional state at the time an accident occurs, we recommend knowing what to do after you get in a car accident before it ever happens.…

Drinking and Driving Safety Issues in New Mexico

Posted On January 5, 2023 In Car Accidents,Personal injury

Unfortunately, every year thousands of people lose their lives to drunk driving accidents. It doesn’t take much alcohol to alter your response time or ability to drive. Every state has strict laws and penalties for drunk driving, yet some people still ignore them.…

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