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How Dashcam Footage Can Help Your Car Accident Case?

How Dashcam Footage Can Help Your Car Accident Case?

Shapiro Law Team January 30, 2025 Car Accidents

If you find yourself in a car accident, it can sometimes be tricky to prove who’s at fault. But what if you had clear footage of the entire thing from the perspective of your car? Many Albuquerque residents are installing dashcams on their cars for this very reason, and it just might help you too. 

If you’re on the fence about getting a dashcam for your car, Shapiro Law Team is here to give you the risks and the rewards. We’ll go over what a dashcam is, the types you can purchase, how a dashcam can help in the event of an accident, and the potential risks of installing one. This way, you can make an informed decision about what’s right for you.

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What Is Dashcam Footage?

What Is Dashcam Footage

A dashcam, which is short for a dashboard camera, is a recording device that typically goes on your car’s dashboard pointing out your front windshield. More expensive cameras can record in HD, record audio, and even provide the GPS location of your vehicle. In the event of a car accident, the dashcam footage can act as evidence in a claim.

Types of Dashcams

When we think of a dashcam, many people imagine a camera that only shows the front view of the car through the front windshield. While this is the most common type of dashcam, there are more options available on the market. The three most common types of dashcams include:

Front-Facing Dashcams

As the name suggests, these cameras only capture the front of your vehicle. Think about what you can see when you look out your front windshield, and that’s what this camera can capture. The sides and back of your car will not be in the frame, so the footage may not be usable in the event of a rear-end collision or T-bone accident.

Dual-Facing Dashcams

Dual-Facing Dashcams

These cameras also sit on your front dashboard. They consist of 2 cameras: one points out your windshield at the road ahead of you, and the other points to the interior of your car. This allows you to get footage of the road and any passengers in your car, making this a popular choice for drivers who work for rideshare services such as Uber or Lyft. 

Rear-Facing Dashcams

A rear-facing dashcam is mounted on the rear window of your car, and it records the road behind you. This adds additional coverage in the event of a rear-end collision, as you’re able to get clear footage of the cars behind you. 

The Legal Significance of Dashcam Evidence

When you file a claim after a car accident, a crucial step is to prove fault for the accident. This impacts how much compensation you earn and who’s liable for the damages. You need as much concrete evidence as you can gather to prove your side of the story and earn the proper compensation. 

A dashcam offers unbiased, precise documentation of the incident while acting like a memory box of evidence. This footage can strengthen your case as you file your claim.

Types of Evidence Captured by Dashcams

When determining liability for a car accident or wrongful death, numerous factors can play into the decision of whose fault the accident was. Wireless dashcams can capture various types of evidence that can help the court decide on fault. This evidence includes: 

  • Any traffic signals or signs in the area
  • The movement and position of the vehicles
  • Driving behaviors such as swerving or sudden braking
  • The speed or acceleration of traffic
  • Outside factors such as the weather
  • How the drivers interacted with each other after the collision

When Dashcam Footage Works Against You?

While a dashcam can be a great source of solid evidence that works in your favor, there is the possibility of that power backfiring on you. Some ways your dashcam can be used against you include: 

1. Reveals Your Partial or Full Fault

If your car accident dashcam footage shows that you were partially or fully responsible for the accident, this can seriously impact your compensation. There’s no real way to defend against video evidence, and you could be found liable for the accident. From speeding to making an illegal turn, one wrong move caught on camera could jeopardize your compensation payout. 

2. Exposes Minor Violations

Even if you didn’t do anything drastic that could seriously impact your liability, small traffic violations caught on your dashcam could still be used against you. The defense can use small instances like rolling through a stop sign or not using your turn signal as proof of partial liability for the accident. 

3. Privacy and Consent Laws

Each state has different laws about recording people in public without their explicit consent. While the footage can be used legally to file a personal injury claim, if you happen to catch footage of a pedestrian or driver who is not directly involved in the accident, there could be legal complications to your case. Be sure to look up the laws in your state surrounding recording a video in a public space. 

How Dashcam Footage Can Help Your Car Accident Case?

Tips for Using Dashcams in New Mexico

1. Invest in a Quality Camera

A modern, high-quality dashcam is worth the investment. While you don’t have to get the fanciest one you see, look for a dashcam that records high-resolution video and can record clearly at night. This ensures you get a clear image you can use for legal evidence.

2. Keep Your Camera Running

Your camera should be recording at all times whenever you get behind the wheel. The reality is you’ll never know when or if you’ll get into an accident, so play it safe and keep the camera rolling just in case. Having a dashcam on the front and rear of your car can also provide additional protection just in case.

3. Store Your Footage

Some cameras have internal storage to directly contain the footage they collect. However, some will require an external hard drive to download the footage and store it. Figure out what storage your camera needs and be sure to keep the footage somewhere safe and accessible.

4. Know Your Rights

Research the laws surrounding recording in public, how to submit footage as evidence, and how to get recording permissions in your state. You may need to make adjustments to your dashcam setup to make sure it’s legal. 

5. Be Careful with Sharing

Don’t hand over your footage without looking it over first. If it clearly shows that you had zero fault in the accident, share it with your insurance provider. If you have any doubts or hesitations about how the footage could be interpreted, consult an Albuquerque car accident lawyer before you submit it. 

Contact Our Experienced Car Accident Lawyers Today

After Car Accident People calling for help

If you’re thinking about getting a dashcam for your car, you should weigh the pros and cons to determine if it’s right for you. While it can provide essential evidence when filing a claim, that evidence can also be used against you. Regardless, consult legal experts before submitting any dashcam footage as evidence after a car accident. 

If you’re looking for a reliable car accident lawyer in Albuquerque, look no further than Shapiro Law Team. Our legal team knows the ins and outs of the claim-filing process, and we’ll work with you to build a strong case with the dashcam footage you’ve got. We’re proud to help our local communities in areas like Farmington, Santa Fe, and more!

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our expert attorneys!

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